Meaning and Importance of Chess
Introduced in the 6th Century A.D, Chess is an indoor and psychological sport. It is a sport that amplifies the power of concentration, patience and endurance. It is a game played between two players, on a board of 64 squares with 16 pieces each on the white and black sides.
Chess can be regarded as one of the worthiest sports for kids as it can help in developing the memory capacity and also helps to think in a very strong and organised way. It is a very fun sport that also teaches to take critical decisions under pressure. Chess is a sport to play and a subject that can teach various principles to life.

Factors of Chess
Chess is a mind-powering and strategic sport that must be taught in various schools and institutions so that chess can become a part of the kid’s life. Chess must be taught to youngsters at a small age because it can introduce them to the joys of dealing with complex problems. At an early age, it is necessary that the toddlers must be introduced to some activities along with studies, and chess is the kind of sport that can provide some best recreational sources as well as help in studies. In recent times, it is seen that chess is gaining some popularity, because of its extreme ability to make one individual a versatile one.

Benefits of Chess in the Lives of the Youngsters
- The youngsters must be a part of any sport from a young age because it teaches discipline and dedication.
- Learning chess and letting it be a part of one’s life can be beneficial, because of the scopes provided to them. For instance, after a period of time, when someone becomes familiar with the game, they start playing various tournaments, supposedly, a team tournament, or more commonly, individual tournaments. With playing such events, one makes certain disciplines a part of their lives, such as teamwork, time management, intellectual power, leadership, competitive and much more.
- Playing chess might also provide the chance of playing in international and national events, which can help the youngsters in increasing national integration and also help them in creating friendships.

- Chess is so vast in nature that it helps the toddlers in various ways. It helps to strengthen the reading behaviours, provides a positive approach to life and can help to grow a strong logical strength, it also lets the child have a can-do attitude, lets the child be more creative and visualise in a vast way, helps to analyse their individual decisions before taking a step, helps in planning their future decisions in an organised way.
- Chess players have a definite thinking pattern, that the kids who are not associated with chess.
- Sports build character, it enables the child to face hardships, realities, risks and hazards with a positive attitude and graceful manner.
- Helps to create a good personality, it makes the child fit for every facet of life. It also teaches them to accept the victory and the defeat, which helps them psychologically in the coming future.
Chess as a Social Key
Chess is a social sport, which often helps kids to develop friendly relations with people of different countries and of different ages. The game of chess teaches the true meaning of sportsmanship, helps to create control over the impulse and enhances positive social etiquette.

Chess and Institutions
Chess should be taught in every institution for its specific benefits in various aspects. The game of chess can be one of the preferred options to choose as a career as well, it is seen that the field of chess is rising rapidly and in the coming years it will have more scopes. Like other sports, it has its individual benefits and can serve the best and promoting the game of chess by the institutions can be an advantage for the students as well as the sport. Making the kids know about the game of chess, can help them academically as well since the game helps to focus, create a determination of moving ahead in life and also helping the child to manage time properly.
It is seen that in various countries, chess is very active in institutions. For instance, in Israel, chess is taught very actively to toddlers and elementary kids, as an advancement of the mind. In Turkey, chess is taught as an elective subject to the students, for this very reason, a lot of teachers were taught chess to pass the knowledge to the students. In the UK as well, chess is taught to the kids as an enrichment course, here chess is taught in approx. 300 schools where more than 10 thousand students are taught chess.

Why Chess
Before choosing chess as an option for a career or any recreational activity, the parent must try to have a brief knowledge about the pros and cons of the sport. In this article, we have provided all the important factors. Chess creates alertness of mind, there can be proper utilisation of the leisure time, develops and creates good human relations, the tolerance power of the child increases and much more benefits are there. Choosing chess as a sport is always a wise option for its ability to create strong mental, emotional and physical characteristics.
Hope to see schools in India include Chess as part of the curriculum and have chess clubs…